The WA Fluid Power Society is hosting a series of technical evenings to be held each quarter on relevant fluid power subjects. Our purpose is to share knowledge and provide a place for people in the fluid power industry to connect.
Join our upcoming technical evening on Wednesday August 21st when Dan Murphy, Senior Project Engineer will talk about some very interesting projects that he has been involved in during his Hägglunds & Bosch Rexroth career.
Registration will open at 5:30pm with some time for networking before the presentation commences at 6pm. There will be time for questions after the presentation and more time for networking from 7-8:30pm with further refreshments.
When: Wednesday, 21nd August 2019, registrations 5:30pm
Where: TAFE, Room B202, 140 Royal Street, East Perth, Western Australia
Cost: Early bird $5 member/$15 non-member until 14 August, then $10 member / $20 non-member. There will be an additional fee of $5 if paying at the door.
Click here to download the event flyer.
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