Pressurised fluids are common in all areas of industry as well as domestic homes and should always be considered extremely hazardous. The e-learning awareness course identifies such hazards and provides the course participant with information on ways of mitigating this hazard. Fluid injection injuries can lead to the loss of fingers and limbs, long term paralysis and death.
The incident reports presented throughout this comprehensive course are graphic and show how severe fluid injection injuries can be. The course also provides information on appropriate first aid methods. Understanding and identifying where these hazards exist will greatly reduce a course participant’s risk of injury.
Course topics:
The following topics are covered in the online Fluid Injection awareness course:
✓ Fluids descriptions
✓ Common fluids involved in injection injuries
✓ Fluid pressure and velocity relationship
✓ First aid after a fluid injection injury
✓ Effects of injected fluids on the human body
✓ Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
✓ Guarding against injury
✓ Avoiding a fluid injection injury
✓ Pressure resulting from thermal expansion
✓ Energy hazards: identification and control
✓ Pressurised vessels
Course duration
Approximately 45 minutes.
Course testing
Tests are conducted during the presentation of the course to reinforce the information provided in the online Hydraulic Safety Courses. A test result mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a Certificate of Completion. Participants are able to repeat the course two more times if the pass mark is not achieved at the first attempt. Supplementary materials necessary to complete the course are accessible online.
Certificate of completion
Participants will receive a certificate of completion on a successful course completion. Certificates are valid for 3 years from the awarding of the certificate.