The IFPS have taken their Hydraulic Mechanic/Fitter Study Manual from traditional print into a full colour, animated, interactive online learning platform. This online at-your-own-pace training module takes the IHM and MHM study manuals and brings them to life!
The Mechanic/Fitter Training Modules heavily emphasize maintaining, repairing, and troubleshooting hydraulic systems. These Modules also include the basic principles of Fluid Power, and the operation and construction of the most common Hydraulic components found in the system. These Modules include over 200 review questions and approximately 12-15 hours of training!
Full-color graphics
Chapter review questions - interactive (you’ll immediately know if you’ve grasped the chapter information) Voice-over text for auditory learners
Safety and energy tips throughout
Contains additional explanations not covered in the printed manual
Course topics
The following topics are covered in the online course:
1. Understand the function of hydraulic components in circuits.
2. Analyze loads and motion.
3. Selecting components for hydraulic systems.
4. Analyze and troubleshoot hydraulic systems.
5. Electro-Hydraulic control systems.
Course duration
The student has twelve months to complete the five online course modules detailed above. Time
starts when the student first registers for the course.
The course prepares students for the internationally recognized IFPS IHM or MHM Certificates which
can be taken and awarded in Australia.