Australian Fluid Power Society Inc. |
EducationEducation & Training ProgramsThe AFPS plans to function in two key educational areas; In upgrading and updating members fluid power knowledge; and, in cooperation with formally constituted education agencies, will offer fluid power curricula and courses. Customised training programs will be developed by the AFPS to allow specialised training in the following areas:
Student Award ProgramThe AFPS has a proactive awards program that encourages students to achieve both practically and academically in their fluid power studies. To be eligible for these awards the student nominee must have completed a program of study with a Registered Training Organisation (College) or Higher Education Faculty (University). Click here to download application form. Other Education pages | Membership Benefits
Fluid Injection Injury Medical ConsultantsThe high-pressure injection of fluids such as oil, water & grease constitutes a medical emergency and requires rapid access to appropriate specialist care. Clicking on this button will direct you to a medical consultant in your state or territory that treats fluid injection injuries. Newsletter subscriptionSearch websiteFollow us |